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Father's Day is a time to celebrate dad

Dad’s Matter

“Even a father (a dad who is not visiting or actively participating, but just mildly engaged or only pays child support) matters.”

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How Moms Can Promote Visits with Dad

The best people to impact the child with these essential life skills are the child’s parents. But if the parents are no longer living together and if they have children we offer suggestions for how the mother can promote visits with dad.

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Why teenagers don't want to visit

Why Teenagers Don’t Want to Visit

One of the most difficult aspects of parenthood is having a suddenly independent child who wants to do everything but spend time with you. It can be frustrating, difficult, and tough on parents who often feel that their precious little ones suddenly hate them.

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Wilmington Child Custody Investigator

Wilmington Child Custody Investigator

“I think GPS trackers are a wonderful tool, because people need to know what’s really going on before they make a life decision. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to know the truth before making any decisions,” says Gilchrist.

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Dying man

Divorce is a death that is filled with sorrow.

I recently read A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman, which I highly recommend especially during the time of a divorce. One quote hit me like a ton of bricks: “Sorrow is unreliable in that way. When people don’t share it there is a good chance that it will drive them…

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Worried About Money

Q&A: Worried About Money

Question: I have been married for 12 years to my husband. He only works part-time. Will I owe him alimony and if so how much and for how long? – Worried About Money Dear Worried About Money: Alimony (and it’s kissing cousin Post Separation Support) are paid by a…

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Do I Need To File For Separation

Don’t Understand

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: Do I need to file for separation? How is that different from divorce? -Don’t Understand Answer: Dear Don’t Understand: Separation is the date you and your spouse start to live separately – not in separate rooms in the same…

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Duct Tape Needed

Duct Tape Needed

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: I am supposed to co-parent with my ex, but he is impossible. He constantly tells the children things they should not know – how much I receive in child support, that I have a new boyfriend, or things about our marriage that are in…

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That's Mine

That’s Mine!

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: My mother passed away 5 years ago and left me some family land. About 3 years ago my husband and I cashed in some investments and built a house. I found my husband cheating with my friend. Since I inherited the land, are both…

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Need Some Money

Need some money!!

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: I left my husband last week and moved into an apartment. I paid for it by taking ½ of the funds that were in our bank account, but my husband moved the remaining money. The funds I took are down to less than $3,000.00 and I will…

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DSS and Danger

DSS and Danger

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: The Department of Social Services (DSS) contacted me about my child. They asked me questions and told me there was a report made. They won’t tell me a lot, but I realize that my daughter is in danger while living with her mom. …

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Baby Don't Go

Baby Don’t Go

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: My ex-wife is moving with her new husband to California. He is in the military and they have another child together. I am really involved in my daughter’s life; she is 12 and goes to school here. I attend her events and I cannot…

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No Dollars To Waste

No $$$ to Waste

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: My spouse and I separated about six (6) months ago. I did not hire an attorney, but I am about to run out of money and my husband is not willing to give me any for my monthly bills? Is it worth getting an attorney? -No $$$ to…

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The Other Side Lies

The Other Side Lies

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: My spouse’s attorney says negative and untrue things about me and my attorney by letter and in court. Will the court believe these letters? What impact will these letters and statements have on my case? Is this appropriate? -The…

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Putting Baby First

Putting Baby First

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: My husband and I are separated and I have our 1 year old baby. I breast feed and would prefer to keep breast feeding until age 2, at least. He wants overnight visits and our baby is not ready for that. Will I have to allow him…

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Mom, Ready for a New Relationship and Move!

Mom, Ready for a New Relationship and Move!

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: For the last four (4) months, my husband and I lived in two separate apartments and we share our children as it fits within our work schedule. We do not have an agreement or an order on child custody. I want to move to Ohio with…

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Worried but ready to go

Worried, but ready to go

Question: Dear Cape Fear Family Law: How can I begin separation without it being considered abandonment if my wife will not leave the marital home? I do not want to lose custody of my children or lose rights to the house. -Worried, but Ready to Go Answer: Dear…

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