
Support Groups Articles

How porn addiction affects marriage and causes divorce

I know that about 1/4 of my clients or their spouses are addicted at any point in time. What is so bad about an addict’s life? Why do they turn to drugs or porn? They own houses, cars, kids, pets, savings, vacations, and tons of stuff. Many of my clients, and maybe…

Divorce is a death that is filled with sorrow

I recently read A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman, which I highly recommend especially during the time of a divorce. One quote hit me like a ton of bricks: “Sorrow is unreliable in that way. When people don’t share it there is a good chance that it will drive them…

Mental Health and Support Groups

Check out these links to mental health support groups and other resources provided by Cape Fear Family Law.

Parent Classes and Support Groups

Information on Parent Classes and Support Groups for divorcees provided by Cape Fear Family Law.

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